January Newsletter
All School Concert
This is our biggest event of the year (in terms of excitement as well as logistics). Guard March 18 on your calendar! Each JMS student is expected to participate in and to attend the entire concert.
The concert will be held at John Wood Community College Auditorium, March 18, 2024, at 6:30 pm. Adult tickets will be $8, all youth 18 and under are free. Ticket sales will cover John Wood’s building rental fee and concert expenses. We have 8 parent volunteer opportunities that will earn you a complimentary ticket. If you are interested, contact Stephanie.
Book Exchange
Do you have student music reading/theory/etc. books, that you are done using? You may donate them back to your teacher to pass on to other students, or mark them half price with your name on them and when they sell, you get a little money. Win-win!
Make-up Lesson Policy
If you know ahead of time that you cannot come to your lesson please first attempt to switch lesson times with another student (See Studio Directory on website under current students tab, password is “twinkle”).
There is one make-up lesson offered each semester, to take place during make up week at the end of the semester. It may be at your regular lesson time or rescheduled to another time/day during that week, at the teacher’s discretion.
Make up lessons are for sickness or emergencies. If you are unable to attend a lesson and unable to switch, please give notice (preferably 24 hrs ahead) either that you will use the one make-up lesson available, or to see if another student has cancelled their lesson and left an opening that week.
Winter Weather Policy
Private lessons are still held when school is cancelled, because it is impossible to reschedule a whole day of lessons every time there is a snow day. Often roads that are icy in the mornings are cleared by the afternoon.
Please contact your teacher if you live out of town and feel you cannot travel to lessons. If you have not used your make up lesson for the semester you may use it if you do not feel comfortable traveling to your lesson. If you have already used your make up lesson and do not feel able to travel, you may ask your teacher if they would do an online lesson.
Group classes are usually cancelled if school is cancelled on a Monday. If we have a concert coming up that we need to rehearse for, we may still meet if the weather clears up by the afternoon. Please check your email to see if your teacher cancels group class.
100 Day Club
January is the perfect time to start the 100 Day Club. Completing the 100 Day club means tracking 100 consecutive days of practice and turning in the completed record to your teacher. If you turn in the record before the 100 Day Club Party (In May, date tbd). If you are traveling and unable to take your instrument along, listen to the recording for a “travel practice day.”