December Newsletter
Group Class Celebration Concert
What a joyous celebration our November 20 concert was! Thank you to all the students and audience that made it a success. We raised $400.00 that evening for our scholarship fund.
Share the Music Day

Monday, January 15 JMS will share music out and around Quincy. We believe music is a gift we receive and give away, so here is a chance to give the gift! See the attached flyer and share it with your friends and family.
See your teacher for the repertoire list and work on it over Christmas. We will only have one rehearsal, which will be during your regular group classes on Monday, January 8.
Dress: khaki pants and either JMS shirts, navy Suzuki Strings shirts, or plain navy shirts. River Strings wear your uniforms.
Cellists: Illinois Veterans’ Home (12th and Locust).
Arrive by 5:15, play 5:30-6:15. Enter through the main gates on 12th st. and go to Pfeiffer Hall Dinning Room.
Violinists (books 1-4): Good Samaritan Home (2130 Harrison st) Main Entrance, go to Social Room. Arrive at 3:45, play at 4:00p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Violinists (River Strings): Good Samaritan Home (2130 Harrison st.)
Main Entrance, go to Social Room. Arrive at 3:45, play at 4:00p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Pianists/Harpists: Blessing Hospital (1005 Broadway St.), Moorman Pavilion. Arrive at 11:45, go to main entrance (circular drive) and go right to the Moorman Pavilion where the grand piano is.
Make up lessons/Christmas Break
As noted on the website, make-up lessons are December 18-21 (check with your teacher when your instrument specific days are). JMS is closed for lessons December 22-January 3. (Note that there are no Tuesday lessons January 2)
February Wedding
Harp/Piano Instructor Miss Sarah (soon to be Mrs. Boren) is getting married February 10! Please look at the website calendar to see changes to group class and lesson times in February (all JMS teachers will be taking days off for the wedding). Lesson fees remain the same and you will get all your lessons for the year- summer lessons will simply start a week or two later, depending on the teacher.
Scholarship Applications
Would you consider taking your child to Summer Institute? We would like to help send two students this summer, to the location of your choice. Our goal is $500.00 for each student, and we are getting close! If you are interested in this, please fill out the scholarship application (on the website under the current student tab-password is “twinkle”) and submit it to your teacher.
Parent Meeting
Please plan for at least one parent to attend the parent meeting on:
Sunday, January 14, 3:00 p.m. 417 S 14th Street (Javaux Music School East Campus)
We usually have this meeting in the fall but it was delayed because of Violin Instructor Stephanie’s surgery. At the meeting we will go over important components of the Suzuki Talent Education method (practice techniques, Suzuki philosophy, etc), as well as new music school info/policies.
If you cannot attend the meeting your child’s next lesson will be used to go over the information covered. Each year many parents (new and experienced Suzuki parents alike) have expressed how much they enjoy meeting with other Suzuki parents, and how helpful the Suzuki Talent Education philosophy is to daily practicing with their child.
100 Day Club
January is a perfect time to start the 100 Day Club! Start the New Year off with renewed commitment to daily practice. Several students have been working on this all fall, and one has completed the challenge. See your teacher for 100 Day tracking charts. All students who complete this by the end of the school year will be generously rewarded and recognized at group class.
Please return any borrowed items (wrist rascals, bow grips, etc) at your next lesson or remind me that you have them and that you are still using them. J
River Strings
For the December 22 performance at John Wood Mansion, please add the following carols to our repertoire:
O Come All Ye Faithful
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Check the last River Strings info sheet for all the details about December 22 rehearsal, party, and performance. NO Practice on Saturday, December 16.